Patient Food Ordering Software
in Healthcare Foodservice

Patient Food Ordering Software in Healthcare Foodservice

If you attended the 2022 Association for Healthcare Foodservice (AHF) Conference, you know that one key takeaway was labor challenges. Foodservice departments have constantly struggled with high staff turnover, and many workers are now transitioning to other industries for comparable wages. How can healthcare foodservice operators do more with less? Among other automation solutions, patient food ordering software provides numerous benefits to uphold safety and satisfaction despite limited staff.

Vector graphic of patient food ordering software in action at a hospital

Comfort, Convenience, and Control

Mobile food ordering and delivery services have seen exponential growth over the past few years, revolutionizing consumer expectations. Users can explore menus, place orders, and coordinate deliveries within various apps and websites. Now consider a hospitalized individual in an unfamiliar setting; perhaps they are facing a great deal of discomfort or celebrating the birth of a child. The last thing they need is uncertainty regarding their next meal.

By implementing patient food ordering software, hospitals can offer their patients some of the convenience and joy of dining at home. The option to order meals from the comfort of their mobile devices gives patients a sense of agency when they might otherwise feel restricted.

An ideal self-ordering solution should be intuitively designed to help patients log in, personalize an order, and choose a delivery time in a way with which many people are already familiar. Streamlining the food ordering process will greatly enhance a patient’s hospital experience and empower them to choose what they want and when to eat it.

Safe Self-Service

As an alternative to room service and bedside ordering, patient food ordering software ultimately reduces pressure on staff. Healthcare workers can therefore reallocate time and energy to other tasks. For example, a nurse can spend more time attending to a patient’s needs, thus creating a welcoming atmosphere of care. This serves to boost satisfaction for patients as well as staff, who are likely to feel more fulfilled in their work.

After a simple setup and quick authentication, users should be able to plan their meals according to their preferences. However, their safety must always come first and foremost. Allergies, special restrictions, and diet orders should be automatically limited to prevent them from requesting items that could be detrimental to their health. Staff can intervene when necessary, along with patients reviewing their allergies to confirm that nothing is missing. If required, visitors or staff should be able to help place orders to ensure that patients receive adequate nourishment.

Patient food ordering software puts power in the patients’ hands by providing a safe and intuitive service. When given proper tools and education, they are more likely to take an active role in their recovery. Mindfulness will then follow patients back home, encouraging them to maintain healthy eating habits.

Watch the following video to learn more about Computrition’s patient food ordering solution!